
The beginning

Hello everybody.

I've just decided to start writing a Poker Blog. I am a Portuguese Poker player and I really want to improve my skills in No Limit Texas Hold'em and that's the main reason why I am doing this.
In this Blog you will find some information about this game, challenges that I am going to propose myself, some moves, bad beats, and so on.
I hope you will really enjoy it.

See you!

1 comment:

  1. Boa noite,

    O meu nome é Daniel Rio e sou account manager do Poker770

    Gostaria de saber se está interessado em anunciar o Poker770 no seu blog e assim obter um bom rendimento extra.

    Assim que puder diga-me algo para lhe indicar os procedimentos a seguir.

    Daniel Rio
    email - daniel@acf-marketing.com
    skype - danielsevivas
    Facebook - Poker770 Portugal
